Over 100 Law Firms Report Data Breaches

There have been more than 100 law firms that have reported data breaches since 2014. Since about 20 states do not require that law firms report data breaches, that number is definitely higher.

Most of the reported breaches occurred through phishing attacks, with some through hacking or security lapses.

One big law firm reported that they received emails that were designed to appear like a legitimate request for W-2 forms. This attack led to many W-2 forms being sent to the unauthorized user behind the attack. Exposing Salaries, SSNs, and other personal information for 900 people.

While another law firm reported that a payroll employee responded to an email that claimed to be from a senior executive. The email exposed the private information of 1,500 people.

Protect your business

Ostra eliminates the human errors that can lead to stolen logins by preventing the phishing emails, suspect inquiries, and social engineering campaigns from reaching employees. Ostra will help you keep your employee’s credentials out of the hands of cybercriminals.

Want to find out more? Visit Ostra.net or contact us today at protection@ostra.net
