Getting Started With a Trusted Cybersecurity Advisor

Today’s leaders of small businesses and medium-sized companies are busy. These multi-taskers are launching new products, building workplace culture, growing their organizations, and figuring out how to attract and retain top talent. Not to mention… keeping up with technology and managing cyber risks in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Since ransomware perpetrators are increasingly targeting SMBs, cybersecurity should be on every business owner’s radar. But how do you get started? In the video below, Ostra Cybersecurity President Joe Johnson shares tips for finding the right trusted advisor to help build a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

A recent Forbes survey revealed that 78% of small business owners planned to make technology a top investment in 2022. Their priorities included things such as digital transformation initiatives, improving internal processes/workflows, and more.

But most leaders—even CIOs—don’t have the time or expertise to stay ahead of every curve and sub-specialty in the area of technology. That’s why it is important to work with a trusted cybersecurity advisor who is interested in protecting your organization, not just driving sales for their organization.

Watch the video above to learn more about how a trusted advisor can help you take steps to ensure you’re taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity with a comprehensive strategy and program. Or, to hear more from Joe Johnson on this topic, check out this free, full-length webinar: Get a Grip on Cybersecurity and Cyber Insurance, Presented by Ostra and Trava.

Contact Ostra to learn why our multilayered, comprehensive cybersecurity solution is essential for businesses of every size.